Common Honda Fuel System Problems

  1. Denso Fuel Pump Failure

    The impellers inside of Denso branded fuel pumps may have been excessively exposed to a drying agent during manufacturing. This leads to them cracking, absorbing fuel, and deforming so badly that they stop sending fuel to the engine. Honda …

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  2. Gas Smell in CR-V Cabin

    Honda says the strong fuel vapors are caused by excess fuel building up in the oil pan. The issue appears to be particularly bad in cold-weather climates. In a letter to consumers, Honda impressively skirted blame by placing it on the drive…

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Where Fuel System Complaints Happen

Sometimes it helps just to tally up the complaints and see where the biggest stacks are. Use this information to learn about troublespots or to run for the hills.

Recent Fuel System News

There's a lot of news out there, but not all of it matters. We try to boil down it to the most important bits about things that actually help you with your car problem. Interested in getting these stories in an email? Signup for free email alerts over at

  1. Honda has recalled over 437,000 vehicles to prevent the engine from suddenly shutting down due to a clogged fuel pump.

    Sodium particulates, often found in cheap gas, can cling to the inside of the pump and increase resistance as they heat up. A clogged pump isn’t very effective at sending fuel to the engine and, as you might imagine, that’s a big problem.…

    keep reading article "Cheap Gas and Cheaper Fuel Pumps, A Honda Recall Story"
  2. There’s something defective in the Clarity Fuel Cell’s ECU that is causing a full-on panic over minor variances in voltage, shutting down the fuel cell stack and prompting a recall.

    Combustion engines need gas. EVs need electricity. And the Clarity Fuel Cell needs, well, fuel cells. This recall is similar to another recall back in February, but owners are still complaining about a sudden loss of power.

    The Clarity Fuel Cell can only be leased in California and must be repaired at one of 12 authorized dealerships in the state.

    keep reading article "Minor Voltage Spikes Causing Major Shutdowns in Clarity Fuel Cell Cars"